The individual presentations given at ENISA's First International Conference on Cyber Exercises are available below (you can also download them all as a compressed zip file):
- Enhancing the Security of European Critical Information Infrastructures - Evangelos Ouzounis (Head of Resilience and CIIP Unit, ENISA - EU)
- European Strategy for Cyber Security - Ann-Sofie RONNLUND (DG CONNECT, European Commission - EU)
New World of Cyber Crisis and Exercises
- Preparing for Transboundary Crises: Research Lessons - Arjen BOIN (Utrecht University - NL)
- Options for Civil-Military Cyber Defence Training & Exercise Cooperation - Wolfgang ROEHRIG (European Defence Agency - EU)
Cyber Exercises Case Studies
- Two Aspects of Exercising Cyber Incidents - Susanne JANTSCH (BSI - Germany)
- NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence - Martin GÜRTLER (NATO/CCDCOE)
- HERMES OEx - Derron STÉPHANE (Federal Chancellery - Switzerland)
- French Cyber-security Exercises - Adrien OGEE (ANSSI - France)
- Good Practices Cyber Exercises: Cyber Europe & Cyber Atlantic - Panagiotis TRIMINTZIOS (ENISA - EU)
Technical Aspects of Cyber Exercises
- Gaming versus Exercises: Designing Surprise-resilient Organizations for a Cybered World - Chris C. DEMCHAK (US Naval War College - USA)
- Spanish ICS Cyberexercise - Diego Fernández VÁZQUEZ (ISDEFE - Spain) and Miguel Ángel Abad (CNPIC - Spain)
- Cyber Exercises, Small and Large - Michael BILZOR (US Naval Academy - USA)
- Overview of NICTER- Daisuke INOUE (NICT- Japan)
- On the use of emulation test-beds for increasing the realism of operational cyber exercises - Thierry BENOIST (European Commission, JRC - EU)
Results of ENISA's stocktaking on Cyber Exercises & Open session
- Stocktaking of Cyber Exercises - Panagiotis TRIMINTZIOS (ENISA - EU)